The last day to vote for PVCS in Hurley's Walk The Walk Challenge is FRIDAY! So click here now and vote!

For all you big footed freaks, Flavour just re-upped on Vans Rata Vulcs in your favorite colors - we've got khaki hemp, daschaund suede, classic blue and black in all sizes under the rainbow to keep your feet clean enough for a vegan to eat off of.

Aaaand Hurley is here to install the first Flavour Pop-Up Shop of 2011! This Saturday swing by to see all the summer goodies for girls and boys in the back room - it's going to be a busy season! We've got Hurley, Nixon, Vans & LRG decking out the Pop-Up just for you all summer long. Stay tuned for upcoming events and just possibly, a giant party the likes of which Peterborough has NEVER seen, coming to you compliments of Flavour and Nixon ;)