Here are a few choice words between Mike 'Weezy' Watt and Bryan:
"so today i leaned over my desk and caught up with the infamous BRs-one for a quick convo on his Flavour artist series collab tee - hey BR, can you pass me the hole punch? ... You are more widely known for your photography, but when you do your graphic design pieces where do you find your inspiration?
Well aside from the beauty of nature & The Simpsons...I get a lot of inspiration from the internet actually, there is so much weird, awesome, artistic & hilarious stuff going on, on a day to day basis that I usually get an idea from seeing something really cool online. I love image sites like &
If you could teach someone about graphic design, what lesson is the most important for them to learn
I'd say don't wait on learning it in a class room. You can learn so much by just doing it. Acquire a copy of photoshop & get to it. There are lots of tutorials online, and if you're patient, they can really help. If you're passionate about what you do, it will show.
If any of the Flavour Posse wants to see more of your work, what's the best way for them to do that?
They can check out: - it's my photo blog where I post up new stuff I've shot recently. I don't have a place for my graphic design work just yet, but if you pay attention to our blog or look at any of our event & in-store posters you can see my work! :)
And finally, you're design has two astronaut's on it, if you could go to space what record, food and girl would you have to have with you?
I'd have to say: boards of canada - (music has the right to children), pizza & Jess Russell.
Wait, does chocolate milk count as food? cuz that would be dope too.
Thanks BR, now get back to work, to snag one of BR's designs it comes out this Thursday, December 1st exclusively at Flavour